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Business commerce

Business commerce


Haemcharch Upazila was once a district of large business and trade. Since it was situated on the banks of the river, there was a market place for different agricultural products. Haemchar has lost that tradition in the meghna crackdown.

Hat Bazaar

Charvirivari Bazar
Algi market
Hym market
Crowd market

Hawladar Bazar

Ishanabala Bazar
Bahar Char Mia Market
Rayer Bazar
Gazi Market

Bengali market

Katakhali Bazar
Nayi new market
Intermediate Nilcomal Market
Sahebganj market

Ownership of agricultural land Landowner 50.14%, landless 49.86%. There are 33.18% of the city and 52.5% of the rural households.

Main crops Paddy, wheat, jute, betel leaf, betel nut, onion, garlic, soybean, potato, karla.

Extinct or nearly extinct crops Kaun, sesame, linseed, kalejira, tobacco, mustard, arahar, khesari, sweet potato.

Main fruits Mango, black berry, jackfruit, banana, rhythm, bell, papaya, bamboo, rice, pot, clay, lemon, coconut, betel nut.

Fisheries, dairies and poultries Fishery 127, artificial breeding center 1, poultry 10, nursery 14.

Communication facilities Puccaasta 15 km, Kacharasa 195 km; Waterways 12 nautical miles.

Extinct or nearly extinct traditional transport Palanquin, bullock cart.

Noted manufactories Rice mill, saw mill, ice factory.

Cottage industries Goldsmith, bamboo work, cane work, wood work.

Hats, bazars and fairs Hats and bazars are 14, fairs 4. Charbhairavi Bazar, Haimchar Bazar and Katakhali Bazar and Boishakhi Mela, Paush Parwan Mela and Rath Mela are notable.

Main exports Jute, betel leaf, garlic, onion, coconut, betel nut, fish, sorghum.


Notable rivers of Haemchar upazila include Padma, Meghna Hymarch upazila is located at the meeting place of Padma-Meghna. Breakwater has been constructed by the Water Development Board on river bank. Farming is done by river water. In addition, many fish are available in this river. Most of the people of the upazila are living under fish by fishing in the river. Padma-Meghna river is the main reason for the people's grief. Gradually the walls of the river are going to be dissolved in the houses here. People are losing their homes and being helpless.